Friday, December 14, 2012

Agreence for Seperation of Church and State

    In the blog titled, Manufacturing Texas, Daniel published a post concerning the separation of church and state. In the the post, Daniel writes about an article, "Texas a Battleground for Church and State Issues." In the article it talks about how this country was founded as a Christian Nation and how they wish to assert faith into government, schools, and town meetings. I for one agree with Daniel that this should not be the case because it is stated in the Constitution that there will be a separation of church and state. Daniel goes on to talk about politicians and how sometimes, maybe all of the time, base their policies based on their religious believes. This makes me think of the controversial matter of abortion. I think that Republicans take in their religious believes into consideration to much on this issue. They think that abortion is wrong because you are destroying a human life that is created by God, but where is the separation of church and state? If there are people out there that want to get an abortion, they should be able to because it is their own personal decision and their life. The Government should not be able to dictate some one's life based on the grounds of religion. Like what Daniel said, "if people feel so strong about living in a religious country that is founded on and whose laws are based off religion, they should think of relocating to Iran, Saudi Arabia or Pakistan which are all countries who enforce laws based off the religion of the majority. The point of the first amendment was that people are able to practice whatever belief that they would like and the state would not take sides nor persecute those that are in the minority."

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