Monday, October 8, 2012

Self-deportation: Is it really the answer?

    I found a really interesting opinion article on the Austin American Statesman which talks about self-deportation of illegal immigrants. The article titled, Navarette: Keep immigration solutions simple, humane talks about how self-deportation of illegal immigrants is," more orderly and allows families to stay intact." According to Navarette, self-deportation of illegals is the answer to the illegal immigration fiasco. To my understanding, self-deportation is an idea that the illegals will deport themselves back to their country due to the lack of available jobs. In my opinion, this is not the answer to illegal immigration. If anything this says to people wanting to come to this country illegally, "Hey everybody! Come to America, illegally, take all the jobs and raise the taxes for the American citizens, and if it doesn't work out for you, then you can leave and come back and try again!" I do not understand how self-deportation will solve anything concerning illegal immigration. It will increase the flow of illegals, in my eyes. To me it will be even harder to find available jobs because employers have no problem hiring people who are willing to work for smaller wages than the American citizen. From my understanding, people leave their country to come to America because America provides a better way of life than their country offers, so why would anyone in their right mind would want to go back? I wouldn't. Navarette also talks about how "Obama's America" is making the lives of the illegals "miserable." I wouldn't say miserable, just inconvenient. People can't just come into the country illegally. If you want to live in America take the steps to becoming legal and if you become impatient and enter illegally, then maybe your life might be miserable, always looking over your shoulder. That is not the Government's problem. Their job isn't to make the lives of illegals comfortable. Their job is to protect the border and remove those who have broken the law and deport them in a "I will do it for you attitude," because who is really going to self-deport themselves?

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