Monday, October 22, 2012

"Political Gimmickry"

    The Dallas Morning News has an opinion article titled, "Editorial: Texas budget gimmickry," whose intended audience is for the politically knowledgeable. This opinion article focuses on Texas' budget and where it is all going to. The author of the article argues that the lawmakers are "siphoning off taxes dedicated for one purpose and pouring them into the general fund" and not spending the money where it really needs to go. One will find this argument unclear if they do not have any prior knowledge of the Texas' budget. One might find themselves asking,"Do they really pour tax money into another fund or is this person lying? Where's the proof? In this article, there isn't any proof of the authors findings. There isn't any charts or documents leading to the conclusion that the Texas lawmakers use the tax money for other purposes. The author guides the reader to believe their claim, even though it may not be all entirely true. Due to the lack of evidence, this argument can be dismissed and therefore the argument is unsuccessful.

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